
(Simply known as Firefox ), Mozilla Firefox , Windows , OS X, and Linux is a free and open source web browser developed
Android, a mobile version of the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary , the Mozilla Corporation . Firefox uses
Current and prospective web standards which apply to Web pages , to provide the Gecko layout engine.

As of February 2014 , Firefox , making it the third most popular web browser , 12 % and 22% of worldwide usage is between
According to various sources . According to Mozilla , Firefox users around the world to more than 450 million . Browser
It’s 55 % , with 46 % of the most popular browsers where Indonesia , Iran , Germany , and Poland , in particular, has been successful , 43% , and market share of 41 % , respectively.

Download Firefox for Android puts in your hands the power of the open web is a free web browser . The official Mozilla Firefox The Android browser to help you stay safe on the latest security and privacy features , fast, easy to use , and customizable On the Internet .

Fast . Access , browse , and blazing speed in web search Smart . Careful search of the friend’s house with the new swipe your finger to keep your favorite sites Save . Your browsing with extensive security settings ensure secure and private lives , ons do not like , and Features Track In the press : “A lot of Android users, Mozilla Firefox update app can quickly become their favorite mobile browser … I felt it I have yet to experience the best mobile browsing “-. VentureBeat
Mozilla this morning ever , well … after the update was the largest for Firefox . Download is available for the Firefox 29 , Australis is called – does away with the Big Orange Windows , Mac , and Linux , a completely new UI introduces
Button ( BOG) , as a result , looks almost exactly like Google Chrome , adds some rounded corners , and so on. , In place of the swamp Firefox 29 now joyously adapted (bottom photo) is the new main menu . Other notable features include a
New interface to walk you through the “onboarding ” Tour , Firefox Sync is now more transparent and easy to position
Established .

This post was last modified on May 6, 2014 5:45 pm