What Really Happens with this girl – Shocking


My husband has a relationship with another girl, but I love him. What can I do now?
Bottom line: if he doesn’t love the other woman, and if you can forgive and be unable to remember him, and if you and he still love each other, and if you consider you can learn to trust him again, then Aggressive for your marriage.
There are outstanding marriage counsellors who can help. And if you can’t afford one, then check with your local university. Various colleges that have a graduate program in psychology offer counselling facilities at a very, very low cost, and they do outstanding work. I’m in no way recommending you to throw out your pride or self-respect; I’m just saying don’t throw away your marriage if there is a casual it can be saved.

What Really Happens with this girl Shocking by asifchudry573

This post was last modified on Sep 9, 2015 4:45 am