Home Talk Shows pakistani boy marry with indian lady doctor by dunniya news

pakistani boy marry with indian lady doctor by dunniya news

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Internet is the cheapest and fastest resource of communication that has brought people living in different countries quite closer. We have seen people getting married through internet. Such an example has been seen recently. A Pakistani boy developed friendship with an Indian girl that changed into love gradually.


The Indian lady doctor decided to come to Layyah, Pakistan to meet her beloved. She embraced Islam and got married with her beloved. 26 years old Bolangir Qureshia fell in love with 32 years Muhammad Mansha and reached layyah. After she embraced Islam, her new name was changed into Maryam Bibi.

Indian Lady Doctor Fall in Love 2

She was married to Muhammad Mansha. Maryam had reached Pakistan on 90 days visit visa. Attempts have been made for getting Pakistani nationality for Maryam Bibi.