Home Top News Google launches a 1 million dollar competition for every one can participate

Google launches a 1 million dollar competition for every one can participate

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Google is one of the leading IT companies in the world, Google has recently announced a competition in which the winner will take home 1 million dollar prize. If anybody want to participate in the competition, follow the link mentioned below.

1 million dollor challenge from google

Google, competition is for people those are related with the engineering field it is about AC and DC currents. The main purpose of the competition held by the google is to create a device which can improve the performance of all the electrical and electronic devices those are made across the world.

So, if you are an good electrical engineer and think that you can make such device as required by the Google, you can participate in the competition and win $1 million, the complete details of which you can follow in the link mentioned earlier in this article.