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Top 10 Healthy Foods for Boosting Energy – Men’s Fitness

A decrease in testosterone levels (closely linked to power and fitness in men) can cost a man his life time. A lack of testosterone is also connected to reducing bone density, reduced sex drive and muscle mass. Newest research also recommends that a decrease in power may lead to elevated risk of heart disease and prostate cancer, among numerous other health conditions. Nowadays, we give you the top 5 ways to increase power and fitness, and keep your sexual energy great and your testosterone levels active


Men, Power, Money, and Sex



It’s not easy getting eight hours of sleep per night. For individuals of us who are overstrained and sleep-deprived, there’s a well way—10 actually—to boosts vigour and oils workouts lacking the pending sugar smash that comes along with energy drinks. Lisa Moskovitz, R.D., originator of The NY Nutrition Group, shares 10 top energy-boosting foods that are perhaps previously in your kitchen.


“A one or two of raw pepitas or dry roasted pumpkin seeds can give you a natural jolt to power from side to side a workout. Pumpkin seeds are a decent source of protein, healthy fats and fibre, keeping you numbness full and energized longer,” Dr. Duncan says. “They also hold manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, which deliver extra energy funding to maximize gym time.”

Energy Tip: If you don’t need to keep the pumpkin seeds handy, alternative way to get these benefits is to get a supplement that contains pumpkin seed oil. Dr. Duncan recommends the GenEssentials Super fruit Oil 3-6-7-9 Blend found at Whole Nourishments.


This post was last modified on Apr 10, 2015 3:10 pm