Earth Day 2014

Earth Day 2014 has been marked with a set of 5 animated doodles on the Google homepage, showing the Rufous apodiform bird, the veiled chameleon, the moon jellyfish, the scarabaean, a puffer fish and a combine of Japanese macaques.This year’s Earth Day is that the 44th, since its inception in 1970, that was wide viewed as marking the start of the modern environmental movement. It is organised by the Earth Day Network, that aims to “inform and energize populations thus they will act to secure a healthy future for themselves and their children”.

Google have done well to settle on AN intriguing choice of critters as an example the movement, though not many of us would place the scarabaean on their list of favourite animals. the japanese macaques area unit a much more ancient choice, shivering stoically in their hot springs because the snow falls.In fact the Old World monkey is that the largest animal featured, suggesting that for potential clickers smaller is cuter. The Rufous apodiform bird is way a lot of the tiniest hummingbird species, growing to 8cm long, whereas the bee apodiform bird could be a full 3 centimetres smaller.

The clear moon jellyfish grows up to 40cm in diameter, and is found in most of the world’s oceans, together with on each shores of the Atlantic. Its sting isn’t fatal or dangerous to humans.By contrast the puffer fish, tho’ cute, is one amongst the foremost toxic creatures on Earth. Despite this, it’s thought of a serious delicacy in Japan. once ready correctly, the flesh of the fish offers a tingling sensation on the tongue, due to a non-lethal dose of tetrodotoxin, a potent neurolysin with no counterpoison.If ready incorrectly, however, anyone intake it might die from it, by turning into completely paralytic so unable to breathe.The final animal featured within the doodle is that the veiled chameleon, one amongst the larger chameleons, and ready to get older to 60cm long. The chameleon is sometimes inexperienced, but will alter its look reckoning on the animal’s emotion. The green will vary from a bright lime inexperienced to a red olive drab. once veiled chameleons area unit stressed, they usually show sturdy coloration, together with bright yellow and generally even black. Surroundings solely partially contribute to a chameleon’s “decision” to alter color.

This post was last modified on May 30, 2014 12:42 pm